vroom: Because life is too short to read slow

File import in R could be considered a solved problem, with multiple widely used packages (data.table, readr, and others) providing fast, robust import of common formats in addition to the functions available in base R. However I feel there is still …

Package Development

This half day class will teach you how to make package development as easy as possible with devtools and usethis.

Package Development

The key to well-documented, well-tested and easily-distributed R code is the package. This half day class will teach you how to make package development as easy as possible with devtools and usethis. You'll also learn roxygen2 to document your code …

vroom: Read and Write Rectangular Text Data Quickly

A tour of the recently released vroom package (http://vroom.r-lib.org/)


Read and write rectangular data (like 'csv', 'tsv' and 'fwf') quickly into R.

Submitting vroom to CRAN, LIVE!

Today I am going to be submitting my vroom package to CRAN, so I thought it would be fun to do it as a live demo.

Using git bisect to pinpoint bugs in your commit history

This video demonstrates one of my favorite lesser known features of git, git bisect.